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Voting Justice

The right to vote is a cornerstone of democracy, yet millions of Americans are disenfranchised due to past criminal convictions. In many states, individuals who have been convicted of a felony are permanently barred from voting, even after they have completed their sentence and returned to their communities. This exclusion disproportionately impacts communities of color and low-income populations, perpetuating systemic inequalities and eroding the foundations of democracy. 

At our organization, we believe in fighting for voting justice for formerly incarcerated individuals. We recognize that the
right to vote is a fundamental civic responsibility, and that everyone, regardless of their past criminal history, should have the right to participate in the democratic process.

We advocate for reforms to restore voting rights for for individuals who have reentered society and are living in the community. This includes supporting automatic voter restoration programs, which would automatically restore voting rights for individuals who have completed their sentence, without requiring them to go through a lengthy and bureaucratic process. 

We also support efforts to expand access to voter education and registration for formerly incarcerated individuals, and to eliminate barriers ensuring formerly incarcerated individuals can comply.

By fighting for voting justice for formerly incarcerated individuals, we can promote greater equity, democracy, and social justice. Join us in our efforts to build a more inclusive and democratic society, where every voice is heard and every
vote counts.

Join Us To Promote Justice