
Clean Slate Eligibility

Legislative Intent of the Clean Slate Act


Clean Slate
Bill S7551-A

An act to automatically seal specific convictions by amending various related laws.

Summary of Clean Slate Bill

We strive for a world where all communities are respected, and nature thrives with healthy forests, stable climate, and biodiversity.

Clean Slate Eligibility

Clean Slate eligibility requires serving waiting periods after convictions, completing probation or parole, and having no pending charges.

Town Hall on the Clean Slate Act & Certificate of Relief

Policy, Inc. invites individuals to a Town Hall event focusing on the Clean Slate Act and Certificate of Relief from Disabilities. Attendees will receive education, legal assistance, and community support, with morning and afternoon sessions covering relevant topics. Participants are encouraged to bring legal documents, and registration is required through partner organizations’ websites. The event offers a chance for formerly incarcerated individuals to seek relief and contribute to societal progress. Follow-up support will be provided post-event. Register now for this opportunity to support change and rehabilitation in the community.


A person is eligible for relief under Clean Slate when:

  • They have completed a three-year waiting period for misdemeanor convictions and eight-year waiting period for felony convictions, not counting time served in prison.
  • They have completed probation or parole.
  • They have no pending charges.
  • Sex offenses Class A felonies, except for drug-related convictions, are not eligible for sealing
    under the Clean Slate Act.
  • Law enforcement, prosecutors, and the courts: Records will not be sealed for the criminal legal
    system. Police, prosecutors, defense counsel, judges, and court officials will continue to have
    access to sealed records.
  • Hiring police and peace officers: Any prospective employer of a police or peace officer will have access to sealed records.
  • Gun licenses: Local, state, and federal agencies and officers conducting background checks for firearm licenses will have access to sealed records.
  • The Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV): The DMV, as well as private transportation companies like Uber and Lyft, will have access to sealed records.
  • Work with vulnerable populations, like children, the elderly, and people with disabilities: Sealed
    records will remain available to entities that are legally permitted or required to run fingerprint-
    based background checks.
  • The New York State Education Department (NYSED): Public, private, and religious schools legally permitted or required to run fingerprint-based background checks will have access to sealed records. NYSED will also retain access for specified disciplinary proceedings and background checks in enumerated occupations and licenses it oversees.

Latest Videos

Senator Leroy Comrie

Senator Jessica Ramos (English)

Senator Jessica Ramos (Spanish)

Senator James Sanders Jr

Assembly Member Alicia Hyndman

Lance Feurtado, Co-Founder, King of Kings Foundaton

Lucinda Cross, Executive Director, Activate Your Life

Erica Ford, Founder, Life Camp, Inc.

Life Camp, Inc. Directors

Chello, Life Camp, Inc.

Erica Ford, Founder, Life Camp, Inc.

Life Camp, Inc. Directors

RSVP Now image
Policy, Inc., invites you to a pivotal Town Hall event focused on the Clean Slate Act and Certificates of Relief from Disabilities. This event is designed to support individuals impacted by the criminal justice system by providing essential information, practical legal assistance, and fostering a strong network of community support.

Join us for


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Section 1

establishes legislative intent

Section 2

establishes procedures and parameters for sealing criminal convictions.

Section 3

establishes requirements for sealed records.

Section 4

establishes authority to promulgate forms, procedures, and processes for the sealing of records.

Section 5

incorporates records sealed under this legislation into exist-ing prohibitions against discrimination.

Section 6

address sealing of corrections records.

Section 7

establishes a private right of action.

Section 8

establishes severability.

Section 9

the effective date.